

The use of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks is continuously growing for many reasons like compatibility, ease in use, convenience, safety, and superior quality. Aerobild’s AAC Blocks are the perfect replacement for conventional clay bricks. We manufacture our AAC blocks in one of the largest and advanced manufacturing units in India. Keen to the smallest detail, advanced technology and expert workmanship made us the leaders of the industry.

Aerobild symbolizes the synergy and advancements of the construction industry from 90 years, precisely, from the invention of the AAC block in the mid-1920s by Dr. Johan Axel Eriksson. Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks are considered as one of the finest and greatest inventions of the construction industry. AAC blocks are lightweight, fire-resistant, have thermal insulation and solid structure, and are easy to work with. AAC is a full-fledged solution for industrial, residential, and commercial building requirements.

Aerobild AAC blocks are nature-friendly and made with recycled materials. The main components used in the manufacturing of AAC blocks are finely powdered sand, calcined gypsum, lime, cement, aluminum powder, fly ash (which has 50-65% silica content), and the presence of water. The slurry formed upon adding the water is poured into a mold for curing to create a brick shape.

The addition of aluminum causes the expansion of the mixture in the aeration process. The reaction between aluminum and the mixture releases hydrogen gas and forms microscopic bubbles. When the hydrogen gas evaporates, it leaves bubbles filled with air, which expands the concrete to about five times its original volume in the mold.

After a few hours, the slurry firms up and is transported to a cutting machine, where it is cut precisely into blocks, panels, or lintels of specific size as required. Waste material is recycled back for crushing and remixing.

ECO Priority

One-fourth of the raw material would suffice to the creation of the block of ideal size. About 80% of the Aerobild AAC are pores that require less raw material.

Aerobild AAC blocks provide thermal insulation to buildings that need supplementary thermal insulation, and buildings built with Aerobild AAC blocks require less effort to heat or cool the space.

Aerobild AAC block’s porous nature and breathable quality ensure lower moisture and consequently achieves relative humidity.

Aerobild AAC blocks are about five times lighter than conventional clay bricks and three times stronger than them.

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